IEP Review

An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is meant to ensure that disabled students receive a free and appropriate public education. The plan should include current performance, goals, services and supports to meet a student’s unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment and independent living.

The IEP is both a document and a process. Often, parents and guardians find themselves stressed by nagging questions:

  • Is my child’s IEP doing what it should?
  • What does all this confusing language actually mean?
  • How does this volume of paper really help my child?

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“I consider myself savvy about forms and process but when I received the IEP from the school I was overwhelmed. The IEP Review Consultation gave me the understanding and confidence to participate as a full partner in the team and get the best outcome for my child.”

“My child has had an IEP for years. When this year’s review came up I called for help. I wanted to be sure that we were doing the best for our child.”

Schedule an IEP Review

Meet AANE’s IEP Review Parent Coaches and schedule an IEP Review today!

You don’t have to do this by yourself. AANE has the personal and professional expertise to guide you through the IEP process, reduce your stress and concern, and help you feel confident about your child’s IEP.

The IEP Review is a two hour consultation.

  1. Hour one: an AANE parent coach examines the IEP and other relevant documents.
  2. Hour two: parents meet with the coach (in-person, by phone or video call) and together review the IEP line by line.


The IEP Review Consultation is provided by AANE parent coaches and is a fee-based service:

  • $225 for a 2 hour consultation
    • one hour for a parent coach to review your child’s IEP and related documents
    • a second hour to discuss the IEP line by line with the parents

Financial assistance is available for IEP Reviews:

  • Use the code 25%OFF2025
  • Use the code 50%OFF2025

To apply the discount click on “redeem coupon” at checkout.

If you have any questions please email [email protected].


Payment must be made by credit card. Our payment processor is PayPal, but you do not need a PayPal account. You can pay by debit, credit card, or your PayPal account. To pay by debit or credit card, please check the bottom button, “Pay with Debit or Credit Card”, when the “Pay with PayPal” screen (shown below) appears.

Refund Policy

AANE will refund the IEP Review fee in the following circumstances:

  • The AANE Specialist cancels an appointment and cannot offer a new time to reschedule.
  • If a client requests a refund at least 2 business days before the appointment without rescheduling.

Schedule an IEP Review

Meet AANE’s IEP Review Parent Coaches and schedule an IEP Review today!

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